DKG ZETA ZETA Projects Page

1.DKG Zeta Zeta Chapter Educational Scholarships

2.DKG Zeta Zeta Chapter Homeless Snack Pack Project for VESTIA

3.DKG Zeta Zeta Chapter Christmas Angel for VESTIA
If you would like to participate in the “Angel Project”, send Marilyn Steichen,, your name and address. When the tags arrive, every participant will be mailed a tag that has suggestions for gifts for the children. In the past, a suggested amount to spend on the gift has been around $45. The recipients of the gifts are children that are in foster homes.

4. DKG Zeta Zeta Chapter Backpack Project for VESTIA
Please keep our backpack project in mind as you see sales on backpacks and school supplies for our VESTIA backpack project. We will be gathering supplies at every meeting. Charlene McPherson and Jeanette Fitch will take donations for a January delivery to VESTIA. Jeanette says keep the list the same, but with an emphasis on supplies, books, and small toys.

School Supply Shopping List

Elementary School Age K-3
1. Back pack (please, no Blue or Red due to gang affiliation)
2. Pencils, Eraser & Pencil Sharpener
3. 1 box of Colored markers
4. 1 box of Colored pencils
5. 1 box of Crayons
6. Scissors
7. Glue Sticks
8. Ruler
9. Pencil Box
10.Dictionary (optional)
11. Three Ring Binder
12.Binder paper (wide ruled)
13. 2 folders
14. Book, new or lightly used
15. Small toy

Grades 4-8
1. Back pack (please, no Blue or Red due to gang affiliation)
2. Pencils and sharpener and eraser
3. Pens (black, blue and 2 red)
4. Highlighters (one yellow, one other color)
5. 1 box of colored pencils
6. Zipper pouch
7. Spiral notebooks (3)
8. Paperback dictionary and thesaurus (optional)
9. Three Ring Binder
10.Binder paper (college ruled)
11. Simple business calculator
12. 2 or 3 Pee Chee type folders
13. 2 glue sticks
14. Ruler
15. Paperback Books - K-3, 4-6

Webmaster: Roseann Krane ( - © Copyright 2004 - Delta Kappa Gamma - California Zeta Zeta.